
64 bit arithmetic soft fork

64 bit arithmetic soft fork

Original Postby ProofOfKeags

Posted on: January 11, 2024 17:55 UTC

The complexity of script interpreters is a significant concern, particularly when it comes to ensuring exact matches between them to prevent consensus splits.

There's an ongoing debate about the best approach to evolve scripting capabilities. On one hand, there's recognition of the importance of conserving opcode space; on the other hand, introducing new features like a hypothetical OP_ENABLE64BIT could complicate things further. The suggestion here is that instead of adding such features that alter the interpreter's behavior invisibly, it would be more prudent to focus on formal specifications for the Script Virtual Machine (VM) and integrate new 64-bit opcodes directly into the VM. This perspective warns against opening what is referred to as "Pandora's box" by adopting changes that might introduce unforeseen complexities in the scripting environment.