
BOLT #3: Shouldn't timeout be included in the script of "Offered HTLC Outputs" for the local node?

BOLT #3: Shouldn't timeout be included in the script of "Offered HTLC Outputs" for the local node?

Original Postby Nadav Kohen

Posted on: June 5, 2019 16:37 UTC

In this email thread, Ugam Kamat is discussing BOLT #3 with Pierre and the lightning-dev mailing list.

Ugam expresses confusion about whether the timeout should be included in the script of "Offered HTLC Outputs" for the local node. Pierre responds that the HTLC-Timeout transaction is timelocked with locktime=cltv_expiry. Nadav also chimes in, sharing a pull request he opened to make things clearer regarding this issue. Ugam thanks Pierre and Nadav for their help and clarification on the matter.