
BOLT #3: Shouldn't timeout be included in the script of "Offered HTLC Outputs" for the local node?

BOLT #3: Shouldn't timeout be included in the script of "Offered HTLC Outputs" for the local node?

Original Postby Ugam Kamat

Posted on: June 5, 2019 16:45 UTC

In this email thread, Ugam asks for clarification on the BOLT #3 protocol for Lightning Network.

Pierre responds that the HTLC-Timeout transaction is timelocked. However, Ugam is still unsure and shares his thought process. Nadav also chimes in, sharing a pull request he opened to clarify the issue. Ugam later realizes his mistake and thanks everyone for their help. The discussion highlights the complexity of the Lightning Network protocol and the importance of clear communication and collaboration among developers.